We provide researchers easy access to highly accurate ECG-based heart rate variability (HRV) monitoring for assessing physiological reactions. You can also collect raw data of RR-intervals of the heart, 3D acceleration and ECG with our accurate measurement device.
Based on 20 years of scientific research
Dive Deep with Firstbeat's HRV Measurement Technology
Our solutions combine heart rate variability (HRV) data with advanced mathematical and signal processing methods to document an individual’s autonomic nervous system regulation. Leading universities and research institutes have utilized Firstbeat’s methods.

Over 100 billion heartbeats analyzed

Over 80 scientific lab research projects

Used in over 180 peer-reviewed scientific publications
Choose the Best Option for Your Research
Complete Firstbeat Life Solution for Research
Utilize advanced physiological analytics for tracking stress, recovery, sleep, physical activity, VO2max and more.
Firstbeat Bodyguard 3 Measurement Devices for Research
Collect raw data (RR-intervals of the heart, 3D acceleration, ECG) with an accurate device.
Overview and Key Points
Complete Firstbeat Life Solution for Research
Firstbeat Life is a unique solution that promotes health and well-being, helps balance stress and recovery, and supports users perform at their best. For research, it provides easy access to highly accurate ECG-based heart rate variability (HRV) monitoring for assessing physiological reactions.
Researchers get remote access to participants’ beat-to-beat heart rate, stress, recovery, sleep and physical activity metrics and group reports. Full Data Export covers the available scalars and vectors.

Personal Firstbeat Life app for stress, recovery, sleep and exercise insights and guidance.
Bodyguard 3 measurement sensor for highly accurate heart rate variability and motion tracking.
Firstbeat Life Admin tool for reporting, analysis and project management.
Data Export of all key metrics and RR-interval data.
Download the Firstbeat for Research Data Sheet to see the full list of parameters and prices
Licenses and devices
- Each participant needs an active license to use Firstbeat Life
- The researchers can add and manage licenses in the Firstbeat Life Admin tool
- License period can be selected, the minimum duration is one month
Devices may be re-used and circulated between research participants
Managing and Analysing Data
- Researchers get remote access to participants’ individual data and group reports
- Participants give consent to use their measurement data in research via the Firstbeat Life mobile app.
Data export provides all key metrics and RR-interval data (available during 2022 – until that provided as a service by Firstbeat)

The Firstbeat Bodyguard 3 sensor measures ECG and 3D acceleration. It uses clinically approved medical electrodes to monitor ECG-based beat-to-beat heart rate data (RR-intervals). This is the "gold standard" for heart rate variability (HRV) monitoring used in clinical settings.
The technology is reliable for all users, both during rest and in motion. Unlike optical sensors, accuracy is not dependent on, e.g., skin pigment or temperature, anatomy or motion state. From the accurate raw data, you can confidently assess the physiological reactions. It is compatible with common analysis softwares like Kubios.
Technical specifications:
- IP class during measurement: IP54
- Weight: 26g, Size: 54mm. x 38mm x 7.7mm
- RR-interval Measurement: BG3 measures beat-by-beat intervals as time between consecutive R-peaks in ECG. Measurement resolution: 1ms.
- 1-Channel ECG
- 256 Hz
- 18-bit per sample
- Motion noise suppression with HP 4.4Hz
→ optimal for wearable rhythm monitoring
Firstbeat for Research
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I utilize the data with other analysis softwares ?
Yes. If you choose to use Bodyguard 3 measurement devices, it does not include Firstbeat’s advanced physiological analytics algorithms, but the data can be uploaded to Firstbeat Sports for Firstbeat 24h/night recovery analysis. It is also compatible with other common analysis softwares like Kubios.
Can I re-use the devices?
Yes. In research projects and for educational purposes, devices may be re-used and circulated between research participants.
When a new research project starts, the selected number of Bodyguard 3 measurement devices are delivered in a single bulk package to the customer. The researchers can distribute the personal devices to research participants as needed.
The use of Firstbeat Life just requires an active license for each participant that can be managed via Firstbeat Life Admin tool. For research use, minimum license duration is 1 month.
Is Firstbeat Technology used in research?
Firstbeat solutions have successfully supported hundreds of scientific research projects. Firstbeat Life and Bodyguard 3 represent our latest, advanced technology. Check the white papers describing Firstbeat’s technologies scientific background in detail.
We have previously used Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment for research, what are the main differences to Firstbeat Life?
In Lifestyle Assessment, the analyses were made manually by the researcher in a computer software after uploading the data with USB connection. Firstbeat Life, instead, includes wireless data uploading and automated analyses in the Cloud. So, all the results and reports are readily available immediately after the end-user has done the measurement that saves a lot of manual work. Also, the analytics has been updated to match with the most recent scientific validation studies, e.g., analysis resolution has been improved significantly.