Track Aerobic and Anaerobic Training Load

Firstbeat Sports | Training Effect (TE) Scale.
Real-Time Monitoring
- Track how hard your training session is using the 0-5 Training Effect score in real-time.
- See how aerobic and anaerobic training loads evolve from warm-up to high-intensity drills.
- Get instant feedback for coaches and players.
How do we Measure Training Effect?
Positive training adaptations happen when the body’s homeostasis is repeatedly disturbed by training and balanced with sufficient recovery. It is crucial to know and control the impact of training on the body and to understand which system - aerobic (endurance-type exercise) or anaerobic (power-type exercise) - is being developed.
Aerobic Training Effect is calculated based on a heart rate-based model to estimate EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption). EPOC reflects the disturbance of the body’s homeostasis related to exercise and shows the impact on cardiorespiratory fitness. Peak EPOC determines the overall benefit gained.
Anaerobic Training Effect is calculated by Firstbeat algorithms automatically identifying high-intensity activity (e.g. sprints) and interpreting this information relative to the impact they will have on future anaerobic performance capacity.
View our white paper for more details.

How can You use Training Effect Data?
Training Effect data is visible in real-time using the Firstbeat Sports solution, and during post-analysis in the Firstbeat Sports Dashboard charts, and reports.
Accessing aerobic and anaerobic Training Effect data in real time lets you answer the questions; Are players hitting their physical targets for this session? And do I need to make any adjustments?
Post-analysis Training Effect data can play a big part in training periodization. Understanding what impact a session or game has on player fitness helps you implement effective recovery and preparation plans.

How to use Training Effect
Training Effect can be determined at any given moment during exercise. This makes it possible to modify the exercise while it is still in progress.
Get to Know
Firstbeat Sports’ Training Effect feature measures the aerobic and anaerobic load placed on an individual player and shows the distribution between the two systems.
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How to use Firstbeat Sports Training Effect
Firstbeat Sports’ Training Effect feature measures the aerobic and anaerobic load placed on an individual player and shows the distribution between the two systems.
Firstbeat Guide to Understanding Athlete Training Load
Every athlete is different. Embracing that can unlock peak performance.
Optimizing Internal Load Management
"It was very important for us to record the Firstbeat data from the start of the preparation phase of the season – preseason – in order to be able to use the system optimally throughout the rest of the season."
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